When it comes to breeding and training dogs, we’re dedicated to excellence. We are able to offer intelligent, stylish, desirable and agile puppies that turn into fantastic home and hunting companions! We have dedicated ourselves to breeding Labrador Retrievers of exceptional quality. Our goal at TLC Labradors is to produce dogs that are of excellent genetic quality as well as dogs that are a pleasure to train, compete and hunt with.
Qualities we try to breed for are those that make TLC Labrador Retrievers fantastic hunting companions and family members include:
• Temperament
• Intelligence
• Trainability
• Style

How do we do it?
We start by selecting parents who meet demanding specifications in trainability and natural hunting instincts along with appearance, and physical and mental soundness. Our litters are produced from dogs who are OFA certified. With the DNA testing available for EIC (exercise induced collapse), PRA/PRCD (progressive retinal atrophy/progressive rod-cone degeneration), and CNM (centonuclear myopathy) we will only breed combinations that have zero chance of producing puppies with these debilitating diseases.
All of our puppies are brought into the world in our puppy nursery so we can take extra special care of them. This also allows them to begin socializing from day one. As professional trainers, both Mark and Traci Christiansen are home to care for the puppies and their daughters, Chantelle and Brooke, also help care for and socialize the puppies. This gives each puppy the opportunity to get tons of new experience and introduced early to distant gunshots, a variety of sounds and birds by the age of 8 weeks.
It is important for us to mention that you are not bringing home just any dog from TLC Labradors in Stanton, you’re bringing home an investment that will become a lifetime member of your home and hunting families! The time you spend to get to know your dog will create a lifelong bond.