Labrador Litters


                               About our Labrador Retreivers

Over the years our dogs were our “babysitters”.  Both of our daughters each have had one of our dogs in their rooms at night (when the girls were young the dogs kept the monsters away). Now our granddaughters get to play with them! We are VERY are particular about the temperament of our dogs and each and every one can be totally completely trusted with young children, and “anything” a child may attempt to do with them. The dogs that babysat our daughters are now the grandparents and great grandparents of our current litters. Nearly 30 years of producing our own lines gives us the ability to know the personalities, talents, and temperaments of our litters generation after generation.

Not only do our dogs have to have the great temperament but they are also bred for their hunting ability. In 2000 we opened Cedar Valley Hunt Club, in which we guide upland and deer hunts. When we are not guiding upland hunts, Mark is duck and goose hunting when time allows. Many of our pups have competed in field trial and hunt test competitions. Our dogs come from accomplished lines of field trial champions and hunting dogs so that the best possible genetic lines and abilities are passed down to the pups. We have also integrated some conformation lines into our breeding program to ensure proper physical structure, coats and appearance. With these combinations it gives you the perfect opportunity to have BOTH a tremendous hunting dog AND family dog. Our breeding program strives to accomplish BOTH – not just one or the other.

We put the puppies through an ENS, (Early Neurological Socialization) and an ESI, (Early Scent Introduction) program that stimulates them neurologically from 3-16 days of age.  The exercises I put them through stress their systems at a time when the pups are not typically stressed. This benefits them later in life. Years of studies have shown that they have stronger, better heart rates, they are more capable of handling stress, and are better problem solvers than pups from the same litter that were not stimulated in the same way. This is of great benefit to the dog. The early scenting introduction has proven to produce dogs with better scenting abilities that those who have not been exposed to a variety of early scents! All of our pups are also introduced to birds and and extensive noise conditioning program prior to entering your home.

All of our parents of our litters are DNA tested for breed specific genetic test as well as tested and submitted to OFA for soundness of hips, elbows, and cardiac. All pups come with a written genetic guarantee, their dewclaws removed, first vaccinations and workings as well as a veterinarian health check prior to leaving for their new homes.

We would love to visit with you personally about our puppies. Please send us your phone number, we would be more than happy to call you, or you can call us at the number below. If you miss us please leave a message, this is the fastest way to reach us. We will call you back!   


Yellow Male pups by Ozzy and Nemo!
Repeat Breeding!

Two males by Ozzy and Nemo Available!
Call for price and details!

Cedar Valley Hunting Poodles
is putting together our waitlist for our 2025 litter!
Contact us for more detailed information!